封城期間,英國罐頭食品再度「復興」The renaissance of canned food in the UK

For those who grew up in the war years, canned food used to be a treat under the food rationing system. However, the lockdown in the UK during COVID-19 has led to a renaissance of canned food. Compared with the same period last year, new figures revealed that the overall sales of canned food soared by almost 73%.

A famous Michelin-starred TV chef even hosted a “Love Canned Food” festival. Experts said this is not surprising. Cans are a good way of preserving cooked food, but it was underestimated by the British for a long time.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

對曾經在戰爭時期生活的人來說,罐頭食品是當時食物配給制度下的一種享受;而英國日前因疫情全球大流行而封城,也導致罐頭食品再度「復興」。根據最新數據資料,與去年同期相比,罐頭食品總銷售量激增近 73%。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

soar 指的是「激增、驟升、飆升」,是英文新聞常見的用詞,通常指某個數據在短期內猛速成長;如果只是一般成長速度,則用 grow 即可。

例句:The house price soared by 30% within six months.
房價在短短六個月內飆升 30%。


  • canned food (n.) 罐頭食品
  • food rationing system (n.) 食物配給制
  • renaissance (n.) 復興,通常指文學、藝術、音樂等領域的復興,但如果是大寫「The Renaissance」則指歐洲於 14~17世紀興起的文藝復興運動。
  • Michelin-starred (adj.) 米其林星級,也可以寫成 Michelin starred
  • chef (n.) 廚師,但在餐飲領域中指「主廚」或「大廚」
  • underestimate (v.) 被低估
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