俗話說的好,你不理財,財不理你,這話說的一點沒錯。30 歲以前很多人都是月光族,(live from paycheck to paycheck)人生就是活在當下,美食、電影、朋友、旅遊…財富就在一切不經意地談笑中溜走。
紅男綠女遇到了人生的 Mr. and Miss Right 開始思考 settle down 的時候,就會赫然發現糧草不足,懊悔過去沒有審慎規劃理財計劃。
Eric 是33歲的中階主管,研究所畢業以後他工作了 5 年,發現自己完全沒存到錢,所以他跟到一個從事金融專業的朋友 Morgan 諮詢接下來的理財計劃。
Morgan: What’s up? It’s been a long time…
Morgan: 最近好嗎?好久不見了
Eric: Can you give me any advice for building up my saving? I wouldn’t say I like to live from paycheck to paycheck anymore, and I am considering marrying my girlfriend in 2 years.
Eric: 你可以給我一些理財方面的建議嗎?我不想再做個月光族了。我兩年後想跟我女友結婚。
相關字彙:負債 debts, 保險 insurance, 投資項目 investment projects
Morgan: Hmm… that’s a good intention. Can you tell me your financial status? Do you have any debts, insurance, or investment projects?
Morgan: 恩…這是很好的開始,可以跟我說說你目前的資產狀況嗎?有沒有負債、保險或投資項目?
Eric: I am sort of not saving right now; the bank has a fixed cash flow of less than 100,000, the source is probably my salary. I have a car loan and saving insurance, I must pay 50000 a month, and I need to pay it for 10 years, so I really have no idea for saving money.
Eric: 我目前算是沒有存款吧,銀行固定有大概 10 萬以內的現金流,來源大概就是薪資所得。有車貸跟儲蓄險,每個月大概要繳 5 萬塊,還要繳個 10 年,所以我真的不知道怎麼存錢。
相關字彙:固定支出 fixed amount of living expense、變動支出 variable expenses
Morgan: I suggest you can review your lifestyle and spending habits. Then, in addition to a fixed amount of living expenses, limiting the variable entertainment expenses is needed, plus planned small investment, wealth can be accumulated in time.
Morgan: 我想你可以要從你的生活型態與消費習慣開始檢視起,除了固定支出的金額之外,還要限制變動支出的金額。也就是要特別管理娛樂資金,加上有計劃的小額投資,無形之中就可以累積財富。
相關字彙:基金 investment fund、定存 fixed deposit,、指數型基金 Index fund、定期定額 dollar cost averaging、股票型 ETF
Eric: Small Investment? Such as investment fund? Is it high risk?
Eric: 小額投資?像是什麼投資項目?你是指基金嗎?風險高嗎?
Morgan: Our parents used to choose fixed deposit for saving, however the interests has become unbelievable low, I’d rather recommend a good index fund, adopt dollar cost averaging strategy to control the risk. Or choose to invest stock ETFs that are also very popular recently.
Morgan:過去我們的父母儲蓄都會選擇定存,但是現在定存的利息實在太低了,我會更推薦指數型基金,選擇好的標的,並採用定期定額策略來分散風險,或是選擇投資最近也很流行的股票型 ETF。
相關字彙:固定存款 fixed saving、獎金 bonus
Eric: So, how much do I have to save every month?
Morgan: I think you can divide your funds into two packages. One is general fixed monthly savings, 5000-15000 dollars that you can plan according to your ability. Still, you have to force yourself to save every month, buy funds or ETFs to save. The other package is a large bonus, part of which is to reward yourself, and the other part is to invest a lot of money in investment projects. According to this plan, I believe you can a diamond ring for your girl planning a decent propose in 2 years.
Morgan: 我覺得你可以把資金分成兩包,一包是日常儲蓄,就是每個月的固定儲蓄,5000-15000 你可以依能力自己計劃,但每個月要強迫自己儲蓄,買基金或是 ETF 存起來。另一包是大額獎金,一部分犒賞自己,另一部分就要大筆的投入投資項目。 依照這個計畫,我相信兩年後你一定可以買顆鑽戒跟你女朋友求婚。
Eric: That sounds greats! Come on, Let’ s have a drink!
Eric: 聽起來不錯,我們去喝一杯吧!
Morgan: See, you are spending casual money again. Let’s have soybean milk is fine.
相關詞彙:複利 compound interest、股市 stock market、未雨綢繆 save for a rainy day
別小看複利的力量,即使是一句老話,每個月存下來的 5000 塊,在不知不覺中獲利會超過股市裡殺進殺出的 100 萬。妥善分配自己的財富,在人生不同階段賦予不同的投資策略,不斷推陳出新的投資商品也多多涉獵了解,選擇適合自己的投資組合,為自己的家庭人生,規劃穩妥的財富計畫,未雨綢繆,老年無憂。
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