美國最高法院推翻了墮胎的憲法保障權利The US Supreme Court overturns the constitutional right to abortion

The US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24. The 5-4 vote reversed the constitutional right to abortion. It took away the right of millions of women in the US to make decisions over their bodies.

Wade on June 24. The 5-4 vote reversed the constitutional right to abortion. It took away the right of millions of women in the US to make decisions over their bodies.

The controversial decision means abortion rights roll back nearly fifty years in half of US states. It paves the way for individual states to introduce heavier restrictions or even ban the procedure. The judgment is dissented for depriving the fundamental constitutional protection for American women and has been described as a “backward step.”

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

美國最高法院在6月24做出最新裁決,推翻了已經被作為參照案例且依循了近半世紀的「羅訴韋德案」(Roe v Wade)。這場最終5比4的投票結果,逆轉了在此之前受到憲法保障的墮胎權,等同於也奪走美國數百萬婦女為自己身體做決定的權利。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

pave 單獨當動詞用時,是「舖設…(磁磚、地磚等等)」的意思,pave the way for sth 則是從「把路鋪好」的意思,延伸為「為…做好準備、做好前置作業」。

Chinese parents always want to pave the way to a bright future for their children. 華人父母總是想要幫孩子開出一條通往美好未來的康莊大道。


  • overturn (v.) 推翻
  • constitutional (adj.) 憲法的
  • abortion (n.) 墮胎
  • controversial (adj.) 有爭議的
  • deprive (v.) 剝奪
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