超越中國印度將成全球人口第一大國!India to become world’s most populous country

India is set to surpass China as the world’s most populous country in 2023, with more than 1.4 billion residents this year, according to a United Nations report. The Indian government’s census, which is conducted once a decade, put the country’s population at more than 1.2 billion in 2011. The 2021 census has been deferred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With a huge population and a major economy, India’s need for resources in the years ahead will become increasingly pressing.

The world’s population is estimated to reach 8 billion later this year, could grow to 8.5 billion in 2030, and 10.4 billion in 2100.


根據聯合國近期發表的一份報告,印度將在 2023 年成為世界上人口最多的國家,超過中國。預計在今年底前,印度的人口就將超過 14 億。2011 年時,印度每十年進行一次人口普查指出該國人口已超過12億。2021 年的人口普查已被推遲由於新冠肺炎疫情而延期,尚未有最新數據。


此外,根據估計,今年底前世界人口將達到80億,到 2030 年可能增長到85億,到 2100 年時,將增長到104億。


有幾個字長得很像,都是形容詞,值得好好注意分辨一下:populous, populated, popular, populist

本文出現的populous,意思是人口眾多、稠密的。例句:China will not be the world’s most populous country anymore. 中國再也不是世界上人口最稠密的國家。

Populated意思則是「有人居住的」,例如:They live in a densely populated neighborhood. 他們居住在人口稠密的地區。

Popular 最常見,意思就是受歡迎的、大眾的,例句:She is a popular singer. 她是一名受歡迎的歌手。

Populist則是「平民主義的;民粹主義的」,例句:He is a populist leader 他是一名民粹主義領袖。


  • surpass (v.) 超越
  • conduct (v.) 執行
  • population (n.) 人口
  • pressing (adj.) 急迫的
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