In the past 14 years since 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has released 29 movies, an average of almost two per year, with many more on the way in the coming years. Some critics say that “superhero fatigue” has arrived. A survey in 2021 indicated that 23 percent of U.S. adults said that while they like superhero films, they are getting a little tired of them, up 6 percentage points from a 2018 survey.
However, the box office is still strong despite the sentiment. Thor: Love and Thunder earned $302 million worldwide, grossing more in its U.S. debut than previous Thor movies, while Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home both finished their runs at about $1billion.
自 2008 年以來的過去14 年裡,漫威電影宇宙已經推出了29部電影,也就是平均每年超過兩部電影,且未來幾年還會有更多。一些評論家近期表示,所謂的「超級英雄疲勞」已經出現。2021 年的一項調查顯示,23% 的美國成年人說雖然他們還是喜歡超級英雄電影,但已經感到有點厭倦,這比2018年時的調查還增加了 6 個百分點。
然而,儘管有著疲憊的情緒,但漫威電影的票房表現仍然強勁。近期上映的《雷神索爾:愛與雷霆》的全球票房已超過3億美元,比之前在美國首映的雷神系列電影還要多。而《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》和 2021 年的《蜘蛛人:無家日》均有大約10億美元的全球票房。
疲憊的英文,最常見的就是tired,本文的get/be tired of,意思則是「感到厭倦、厭煩」,類似get sick of或是get enough of,例句:
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