【托福學習寶典】2024 托福新制針對學術討論寫作練習、考試重點,萬用模板一次看!



1.整合寫作 (Integrated Writing)

  • 時間:20分鐘
  • 流程
    • 閱讀:閱讀一篇關於某主題的學術文章(約3分鐘)。文章中包含作者對主題的三個論點。
    • 聽力:聆聽一段教授的音檔(約2分鐘)。教授針對作者的三個論點提供支持、反駁或補充。
    • 寫作:根據閱讀文章和聽力音檔的信息,撰寫一篇150-250字的整合寫作文章。

2.學術討論 (Academic Discussion)

  • 時間:10分鐘
  • 要求
    • 寫作內容:不再要求長篇寫作,改為100字的短篇學術討論。
    • 目的:模擬學術寫作情境,要求考生針對給定話題進行簡短的討論。
    • 挑戰:考生需要精確表達觀點,注意用詞準確性和語法正確性,以免缺陷被放大檢視。

托福iBT的學術討論(Academic Discussion)寫作秘笈

1. 極少文法與用字上的錯誤

  • 注意文法正確性:確保文法錯誤極少且不影響理解。基本的語法錯誤如動詞時態、主謂一致等應避免。小錯誤可以被接受,但應該盡量減少。
  • 用字準確:用詞應準確而非隨意。雖然不需要非常正式,但應遵循基本的英文句型與文法要求。避免使用模糊或錯誤的詞彙,以免影響表達的清晰度。

2. 充分闡述自己的看法

  • 提供新觀點:無論是支持、反對還是提出新的立場,都應加入自己的觀點,並對討論進行貢獻。避免僅僅轉述已有的意見。
  • 具體化表達:從自己的立場出發,具體化自己的觀點和細節。確保論點清晰明確,有充分的例證或理由來支持你的立場。

3. 實用步驟

  1. 仔細並理解:仔細了解教授提出的主題和兩位學生的觀點,確保理解他們的立場和論據。
  2. 組織思路:在撰寫之前,整理自己的觀點,思考如何對話題提供新的見解或擴展已有的觀點。
  3. 撰寫過程:在寫作中,清晰地表達自己的觀點,並用具體的例子或理由支持你的立場,保持語言簡潔明了。

TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion Question: Work From Home

Your professor is teaching a class on business management. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.  In your response, you should

  • express and support your personal opinion
  • make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.

Sample Answer 1

I recognize the advantages of remote work, particularly its flexibility and the reduction in commuting time, which can enhance productivity and job satisfaction. However, I concur with Michael that remote work can impede team collaboration and relationship-building. To mitigate these challenges, companies should invest in effective digital communication tools and explore hybrid models. A hybrid approach combines the benefits of remote work with essential face-to-face interactions that promote team cohesion and professional development. Overall, remote work can be highly advantageous if managed effectively, striking a balance between flexibility and strategies to maintain robust team dynamics.


  1. “I recognize the advantages of working from home, particularly its flexibility and the reduction in commuting time, which can enhance productivity and job satisfaction.”
    • 提供自己的想法:認識到遠程工作的優勢,尤其是靈活性和減少通勤時間,這可以提高生產力和工作滿意度。
  2. “However, I concur with Michael that remote work can impede team collaboration and relationship-building.”
    • 融入同學們的看法:同意Michael的看法,即遠程工作可能會妨礙團隊合作和關係建立。
  3. “To mitigate these challenges, companies should invest in effective digital communication tools and explore hybrid models.”
    • 個人觀點分析:為了減輕這些挑戰,公司應該投資於有效的數位溝通工具並探索混合模式。
  4. “Overall, remote work can be highly advantageous if managed effectively, striking a balance between flexibility and strategies to maintain robust team dynamics.”
    • 最後總結:總的來說,遠程工作如果有效管理,可以非常有利,關鍵在於在靈活性和維持強大團隊動態之間找到平衡。
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