1. 極少文法與用字上的錯誤
- 注意文法正確性:確保文法錯誤極少且不影響理解。基本的語法錯誤如動詞時態、主謂一致等應避免。小錯誤可以被接受,但應該盡量減少。
- 用字準確:用詞應準確而非隨意。雖然不需要非常正式,但應遵循基本的英文句型與文法要求。避免使用模糊或錯誤的詞彙,以免影響表達的清晰度。
2. 充分闡述自己的看法
- 提供新觀點:無論是支持、反對還是提出新的立場,都應加入自己的觀點,並對討論進行貢獻。避免僅僅轉述已有的意見。
- 具體化表達:從自己的立場出發,具體化自己的觀點和細節。確保論點清晰明確,有充分的例證或理由來支持你的立場。
3. 實用步驟
- 仔細並理解:仔細了解教授提出的主題和兩位學生的觀點,確保理解他們的立場和論據。
- 組織思路:在撰寫之前,整理自己的觀點,思考如何對話題提供新的見解或擴展已有的觀點。
- 撰寫過程:在寫作中,清晰地表達自己的觀點,並用具體的例子或理由支持你的立場,保持語言簡潔明了。
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
I recognize the advantages of remote work, particularly its flexibility and the reduction in commuting time, which can enhance productivity and job satisfaction. However, I concur with Michael that remote work can impede team collaboration and relationship-building. To mitigate these challenges, companies should invest in effective digital communication tools and explore hybrid models. A hybrid approach combines the benefits of remote work with essential face-to-face interactions that promote team cohesion and professional development. Overall, remote work can be highly advantageous if managed effectively, striking a balance between flexibility and strategies to maintain robust team dynamics.
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