不隔離了?「旅遊泡泡」拯救觀光Travel Bubbles Allow Quarantine-Free Travel

Many governments are finding ways to resume international travel amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Creating a travel bubble is gaining steam now.

A travel bubble includes two or more countries that have successfully kept the spread of COVID-19 under control. These countries open borders to each other. People living inside the bubble can travel freely and cross borders without a mandatory self-quarantine requirement. Other travelers arriving from outside the bubble still have to self-isolate for 14 days.

On May 15th, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania set up the first travel bubble in Europe—the Baltic bubble. New Zealand and Australia are planning a “trans-Tasman travel bubble” between the two neighbors. Once this bubble is tried and tested, Taiwan is likely to be included.

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「旅遊泡泡」travel bubbles的概念,有時也被稱作travel corridors「防疫通道」,通常會從往來密切、或鄰近的幾個周邊防疫有成國家開始形成,目前有幾個已經建立或正在討論規劃中的旅遊泡泡,可以趁機了解各國或區域間的往來習慣

  • Baltic travel bubble 波羅的海泡泡:由圍繞著波羅的海、習稱「波羅的海三小國」的愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞、跟立陶宛協議組成
  • trans-Tasman travel bubble 泛塔斯曼海旅遊泡泡:塔斯曼海在澳洲與紐西蘭之間,兩國間正在協調啟動時機
  • Israel, Greece, and Cyprus 以色列規劃將與希臘、賽普勒斯及其他地中海(Mediterranean)周邊國家組成泡泡
  • China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan 中國正研議對往來密切的南韓、香港、與台灣開放旅遊泡泡
  • The United Kingdom 英國:英國國內最大的希斯洛機場,敦促政府儘快規劃旅遊泡泡方案,預估很有可能首先會納入已有旅遊協定的法國


The United Kingdom might invite France into its travel bubble.

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