A YouTube channel titled “Dad, How Do I?” has gotten 1.3 million subscribers since it went live in April. Rob Kenney has two adult children. His dad left when he was a kid, which resulted in a dark period in his childhood. In this channel, Kenney makes how-to videos to teach young people how to deal with basic household tasks that he had to learn by himself.
His simple tutorials cover chores such as tying a necktie, changing a tire, and hanging a shelf. What Kenney does is, in his words, offer “Practical Dadvice for Everyday Tasks.” His videos do not just teach how to fix things, but also how to manage life and be an adult. Kenney doesn’t view himself as “a perfect dad.”He’s just putting his acquired knowledge out in hopes of making the world a better place.
友善讓你懂 │ 解說:
最近一個名為”Dad, How Do I?”(爸,我該怎麼…?)的YouTube頻道爆紅,四月才開播,短短時間內就累積了130萬用戶訂閱。YouTuber Rob Kenney有兩個孩子都已經成年了。他自己的爸爸在他小時候就離開了家庭,使得他的童年時期過得很糟糕。在這個頻道裡,Kenney拍了數十支「how-to(怎麼做)」的影片,教導年輕孩子一些基本的家務常識或技巧,由於父親的缺席,這些東西他小時候都只能自己笨拙地摸索學習。
輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:
“Dadvice”變形自dad(老爸)加上advice 「忠告、勸告、意見」這個名詞,意味著「來自老爸的忠告」。在這個不花俏卻樸實溫暖的YouTube頻道上,Rob Kenney還教了這些孩子們哪些生活瑣事呢?我們一起來看看:
It’s his morning routine to shave his face after shower.
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