“How could I be successful and famous like you?” Lots of young people asked the anthropologist Jane Goodall for advice, and her answer is: “First of all, that shouldn’t be your goal in life.”
She said young people should aim to do something they are passionate about, and we should make room for different standards of success.
Jane Goodall is best known for her landmark study on chimpanzees in 1960. She saw a chimp using grass to fish out ants from a colony, a discovery that debunked the long-standing belief that only humans could construct and use tools.
珍古德最有名的,莫過於 1960 年時藉由觀察大猩猩行為,發現到他們會使用草從蟻群中撈出螞蟻來吃;而這個發現,也打破長久以來總認為「人類是唯一會建造、使用工具的物種」的說法。
debunk 是「揭露真相或事實另一面」的意思,通常後面接的句子會與前面所提到的迷思、認知等完全不同,是很好用的單字。後面多半會接傳聞(myth)或認知、看法(belief)等單字。
例句:The news debunked the myth of the company. 這則新聞揭露了這間企業的種種傳聞。
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