The designer is reliable, but he is not a person at all 這位設計師深受客戶信賴,但「他」竟然不是人

A Russian design company has come up with a project in complete secrecy. They introduced a remote designer named Nikolay Ironov more than a year ago. Since then, he had developed logos for actual clients including cafes, bars and consumer goods. All of his work was approved by the clients.

Last month, the company revealed the truth: Nikolay Ironov was not a person at all. These logos had been created by an AI system. As a result, some of his works might look relatively crazy—but still be unique.

The company said they don’t want to remove humans from the creative process. But they expect the AI system to be able to help experienced human designers to think outside the box and create something new and bold.


你能分辨品牌 Logo 是由 AI 機器人或人類所設計出來的嗎?答案可能令人驚訝。

一家俄羅斯設計公司之前秘密進行一項計畫,他們在一年多前向客戶介紹一位名為 Nikolay Ironov 的遠距工作設計師,並為咖啡館、酒吧、真實客戶、快消品等品牌企業設計 Logo,其成品都獲得客戶認可。

直到上個月,這間公司才向客戶透露:Nikolay Ironov 根本不是人類,那些 Logo 都是由 AI 系統所製作的,這也是為何 Nikolay Ironov 的成品有時候看起來較瘋狂,但風格都非常獨特。

這間公司說,他們並不是要讓 AI 系統取代人類設計師,而是希望 AI 可以協助經驗老到、但卻易被既有框架限制的人類設計師,能夠試著打破常規思考,並創造更新穎、更大膽的設計。


think outside the box 是「打破常規思考、跳脫框架思考」,也就是指跳出箱子外面來思考事情。原本源自於管理顧問領域,後來也常被一般場合採用。

例句:The ability to think outside the box is important in business environments. 在商場上,能夠跳脫框架思考是一項重要能力。


  • secrecy n. 秘密、保密,前面可加動詞 in,指「在保密狀態下進行某事」
  • consumer goods n. 快速消費品,指銷售速度快、價格低的產品,例如一般民生消費日用品等
  • relatively adv. 相較之下
  • unique adj. 獨特、與眾不同
  • bold adj. 大膽


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