Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court since 1993, has died at the age of 87. She is not only the Supreme Court’s liberal icon but also a feminist icon.
When Ruth Bader Ginsburg graduated from law school in 1959, she faced sex discrimination herself and could not find a clerkship. After that, she had been a pioneering advocate for women’s rights and earned the nickname “Notorious R.B.G.”.
One of her most memorable quotes on gender equality is that “the pedestal upon which women have been placed has all too often, upon closer inspection, been revealed as a cage.”
友善讓你懂 │ 解說
美國最高法院歷史上第二位女性大法官、從 1993 年任職至今的 Ruth Bader Ginsburg,近期以高齡 87 歲過世。她不只是最高法院的「自由女神」,也是知名的「女權運動女神」。
當 1959 年 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 從法學院畢業時,卻遭受性別歧視,連一份書記官工作都找不到。後來,她成為爭取女性權利運動的先驅,也獲得「聲名狼籍的 R.B.G. 」(其姓名的三個字母開頭縮寫)稱號。
輕鬆帶著走 │學習
sex discrimination 指「性別歧視」,也可以用 gender discrimination 來表示類似意義,如果前面改成 race 則為「種族歧視」。動詞可以加 face,表示一段被歧視的經歷。
例句:She faced sex discrimination when applying for jobs.
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