A jet suit for paramedics uses micro engines on both arms and the back for users to control movement simply by moving their hands. In a simulation scenario at Langdale Pikes, the inventor Richard Browning, wearing the suit, carried out the test flight and demonstrated the suit’s ability to enable a paramedic to quickly “fly” over rugged landscapes, locate the injured, deliver medical supplies, and provide necessary medical assistance.
With the jet suit, the search time for casualties in mountainous areas can be reduced from 25 minutes on foot to a mere 90 seconds, allowing rescue teams to reach patients much faster than before.
While it’s currently waiting for the green light, the suit is estimated to be used in real rescue missions by next summer after some modification by the Great North air ambulance service (GNAAS).
友善讓你懂 │ 解說
供醫療人員使用的單人噴射飛行套裝,靠著安裝在雙臂及背部的微型引擎推進器,讓使用者透過簡單地擺動手臂,就能輕鬆控制飛行方向。在英國知名的蘭代爾山景區(Langdale Pikes)舉行了一場情境模擬演練,飛行套裝的發明人Richard Browning親自上陣,試飛、並且展示這組飛行套裝能讓醫療人員快速「飛」越崎嶇險峻的荒郊、找到受困的傷患、運送醫療物資、以及提供必要的醫療協助等等。
在等待許可的同時,依照慈善救援機構「北方空中救難服務the Great North air ambulance service (GNAAS)」的指示建議,這個飛行套裝正在進行修改,預計有可能在明年夏天正式投入實際的救援任務。屆時我們將可以看到彷彿現實世界中的「鋼鐵人」,飛越群山協助救護需要幫助的民眾了。
輕鬆帶著走 │學習
green light除了是紅綠燈中的綠燈之外,在口語上也延伸為「許可、核准」,因此give (sb) the green light是「批准、准許」,get the green light則是「獲准」的意思。
No one can take action before the government gives the green light.
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