千名亞裔美籍商業界領袖共同簽署公開信,反抗仇視亞裔的暴力行為1000 Asian American business leaders have signed up an open letter against anti-Asian violence

In a full-page ad entitled “Enough” on the March, 31 edition of The Wall Street Journal, more than 1,000 Asian American business leaders, including Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, YouTube co-founder Steve Chen, and Zoom CEO Eric Yuan, have signed an open letter to stop anti-Asian hate.

Worrying about the surge of hate crimes, the coalition of these leaders has committed to fighting discrimination, racism, and violence toward the Asian community.

The business leaders pledged to make a collective donation of $10 million over the next year to support AAPI organizations to fight for change. They have also declared to protect AAPI workforces.


3月31日出刊的《華爾街日報》登出一份全頁廣告,標題寫著「Enough(夠了)」,廣告上是一份由超過千位亞裔美籍商業領袖共同簽署的公開信,希望能阻止「仇視亞裔」的現象,連署人包括Yahoo共同創辦人楊致遠Jerry Yang,YouTube共同創辦人陳士駿Steve Chen,以及Zoom的執行長袁征Eric Yuan等人。


這群商界領袖承諾會在未來一年捐款一千萬美元,支援AAPI亞裔美國和太平洋島民(Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders)組織,來爭取改變現狀。他們也宣布將保護AAPI勞動族群的權益,免於受到不當對待。


surge (v.) 是湧現、急遽增加的意思,可以表示具體的人潮、案例等突然增多,例如a surge in COVID-19 cases ,也能抽象地形容情感、情緒地高漲,例如a surge of regret。

例句:The chip shortage caused a surge in car prices. 晶片短缺造成汽車價格飆升。


  • entitle (v.) 命名
  • coalition (n.)(為了特定目標而暫時組成的)聯盟、同盟
  • community (n.) 群體;社區
  • collective (adj.) 共同的

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