哪個人類族群最快樂?不婚不生的女性Unmarried and childless women are the happiest

A scientific study has shown that unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup of the population and are more likely to live longer than their peers who are married and raising children.

Experts said that men benefited from marriage because they “calmed down.” They take fewer risks, make more money at work, and live longer. Women’s health, on the other hand, was mostly unaffected by marriage.

Despite the benefits of a single, childless lifestyle for women, the traditional stigma may lead some single women to feel unhappy.






subgroup 是「子群、次群」的意思,指的是隸屬於一個大群內較小的子群。

例句:Chinese is the largest subgroup of the Asian population. 華人是亞洲人口中最大的子群。


  • unmarried (adj.) 未婚
  • childless (adj.) 無子女
  • peer (n.) 同齡人、同儕
  • stigma (n.) 污名
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