According to recently released government data, China’s population is growing at its slowest pace in decades. About 12 million babies were born last year, which is a significant drop from the 18 million newborns in 2016.
In 2016, China ended its controversial one-child policy and allowed couples to have two children. However, despite a two-year increase immediately afterwards, it failed to reverse the declining birth rate.
Since China has become the world’s factory, experts warned that any impact on China’s population, such as a decline, could have a huge impact on the rest of the world.
根據最近發佈的數據,中國的人口正以近幾十年來最慢的速度在成長。去年約有 1200 萬名新生兒,與 2016 年的 1800 萬名新生兒相比,明顯降低許多。
2016 年中國宣布高爭議的一胎化政策劃下終點,開始允許夫妻生育兩名以上孩子。政策上路後,雖然在接下來兩年有成長,但後期依舊沒有扭轉出生率不斷下探的趨勢。
world’s factory 是「世界工廠」,在新聞中常見,意思是當一個地區成為其他國家各行各業主要製造地時,就宛如世界的工廠。
China has become the world’s factory because of its strong business ecosystem. 因為有強大的商業生態圈,中國已成為「世界工廠」。
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