中央流行疫情指揮中心號召大眾安裝社交安全距離App Taiwan’s CECC calls on the public to adopt Social Distancing App

Taiwan has seen a spike in domestic COVID-19 cases since March. Considering the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant, the CECC is simplifying its epidemiological  investigation. It strongly urges people to download and install the Taiwan Social Distancing App on their mobile devices.

The CDC first launched the app in May 2021. It uses Bluetooth technology to enhance the efficiency of tracing people potentially at risk. It will notify an app user who contacts a confirmed case also using the app if they get within two meters for more than two minutes over the past 14 days.

In the future, the CECC will require people to show the app for verification before entering specific venues. Its goal is for at least 50% of the population in Taiwan to adopt the app, twice the number of users right now.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

台灣自三月下旬開始,再度迎來一波COVID-19疫情高峰。考量到Omicron變種病毒的高傳染力,中央流行疫情指揮中心( the Central Epidemic Command Center, CECC)正在簡化疫調流程以提高管控效率。對此,指揮中心大力推廣鼓勵民眾下載並在手機上安裝「台灣社交距離」app。

這款app是2021年五月由衛生福利部疾病管制署(the Centers for Disease Control, CDC)所推出的。它使用藍牙技術來幫助快速追蹤潛在的可能感染者,可大幅提升疫調的速度與準確性。使用者如果在過去十四天內,曾經跟確診者在兩公尺以內的距離相處超過兩分鐘,只要雙方都有安裝這個app,app便會直接通知使用者。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

call on sb to V.有「號召、呼籲」的意思,後面可以直接接要號召的對象、並且加上不定詞來表示希望他們去採取的行動。

The union called on the workers to strike on May Day.


  • adopt (v.) 選用
  • spike (n.) 攀上高峰(的數字、價格等等)
  • transmissibility (n.) 可傳染性
  • epidemiological (adj.) 流行病學的
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