牛津年度詞彙:哥布林模式2022 Word of the Year: Goblin mode

“Goblin mode” has been chosen by the public as the 2022 Oxford word of the year. The slang term refers to a type of behavior that is “unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.” It’s the first word of the year to have been decided by public vote, and it was a landslide victory – making up 93% of the overall vote.

Goblin mode’s winning may be attributed to the fact that it resonates with those who feel overwhelmed at this point, and it’s a relief to acknowledge that we’re not always the idealized, curated selves that we’re encouraged to present in public.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

牛津字典近期選出2022年的年度詞彙,為「哥布林模式」,意指「一種毫無歉意地自我放縱、懶惰、邋遢或貪婪的行為,通常以一種拒絕社會規範或期望的方式呈現。」在歐美傳統中,「哥布林」是一個妖精角色,有著長長尖尖的精靈耳朵、綠色身體,個性負面、貪婪、卑劣而狡猾。今年也是第一次由公眾投票決定的年度詞彙,「哥布林模式」以壓倒性優勢獲勝——佔總票數的 93%。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

當我們要說「大獲全勝」或是「壓倒性勝利」時,英文就是landslide victory。Landslide就是「土石流」的意思,當勝利像土石流般,可以說是擋也擋不住、勢如破竹般,也可以簡稱landslide。例句:

The opinion polls are predicting a landslide for the ruling party in next week’s election.



  • Unapologetically (adv.) 毫無歉意地
  • self-indulgent (adj.) 自我放縱的
  • slovenly (adj.) 邋遢、不整潔的
  • resonate (v.) 產生共鳴
  • overwhelmed (adj.) 感到難以承受、不知所措
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