台灣每七個人中,就有一人因為外表而受到不友善的對待 One in seven Taiwanese has been treated unfriendly because of their looks

The Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation has been working on promoting face equality in Taiwan for years. It believes that “everyone deserves to be treated fairly and kindly,” and this can begin with not judging others’ looks.

The foundation has been conducting surveys every three years since 2013 to observe how people’s looks affect how others treat them. This year, it collected more than 1,000 responses from Taiwanese people aged over 20. The result showed that around one in seven persons in Taiwan has been treated unfriendly because of their appearance. 13-15% of respondents had been mocked, given unwanted nicknames, or criticized based on their looks.

The good news is we saw remarkable progress as compared with ten years ago, showing that people in Taiwan are becoming aware of the importance of face equality.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

多年來,陽光社會福利基金會(The Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation)持續在推動台灣「臉部平權」(face equality)運動。用他們的話來說,他們認為「每個人都有權利被公平且友善地對待」,而這件事可以從「不以外表評論他人」開始。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

deserve (v.) 是「值得、理應」的意思,後面可以直接接名詞、不定詞或是動名詞。但要注意的是,deserve會因為語境的不同,而有偏正面、或負面的意思。例如時常聽到的You deserve it,若是當同事因為完成了一個案子而獲得主管的讚揚時,說這句話代表恭賀他「這是你應得的!」;但當朋友不聽勸告、硬要挑戰蒙面騎腳踏車卻摔車時,這句話的意思則是「你活該!」

Full-time mothers deserve praise for devoting themselves to their families.


  • fairly (adv.) 公正地
  • judge (v.) 評論(常常帶有由上往下地批評的優越感)
  • external (adj.) 外表的
  • appearance (n.) 外觀
  • mock (v.) 嘲笑