不敵疫情! Airbnb結束中國本土業務Airbnb to stop local business in China

Airbnb,a home rental company, will shut down its local business in China after struggling to compete with other local home rental services that charge lower fees and less per night on average.The pandemic and China’s “zero-COVID” policy, which sent millions into strict lockdown, further compounded Airbnb’s challenge.

Airbnb’s move shows a growing divide between China’s internet and that of the rest of the world. Many U.S. internet companies have left China. Right now, Airbnb is the last remaining big U.S. internet company in China.

Airbnb will continue to operate a business serving Chinese tourists traveling outside of China.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

出租住宿民宿網站Airbnb即將在關閉在中國當地的業務,因不敵其他平均每晚收費較低的當地同類型服務競爭。此外,新冠肺炎疫情和中國的清零政策,使數百萬人陷入了嚴格的封鎖,進一步加劇了 Airbnb 的挑戰。

Airbnb 撤出中國的舉動也表明,中國網際網路與世界其他地區之間的鴻溝,將越來越大。許多美國網路服務公司,近年已經陸續離開中國,結束當地服務。目前,Airbnb是在中國僅存的美國大型網路公司。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

Compound一字很多意思,在本文是指「加重,加劇,惡化」的意思, 例句:

His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job. 他意外地失去了工作,這使他手頭更緊了。

Severe drought has compounded food shortages in the region. 嚴重的乾旱加劇了該地區的食品短缺問題。


Most tires are made of rubber compounded with other chemicals and materials.


  • home rental 房屋出租
  • shut down (v.) 關閉
  • struggle (v.) 苦苦掙扎
  • divide (n.) 鴻溝
  • operate (v.) 營運