On May 30, a 36-year-old man disguised as an elderly woman tried to smash the Mona Lisa,
one of the most famous paintings in the world, at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Luckily, the Mona Lisa remained unharmed behind its bulletproof glass, which was smeared with cake.
According to a Twitter user who witnessed the scene, the suspect jumped out of a wheelchair and lunged at the protective glass. He attempted to vandalize the masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci in a purported climate-related protest. Videos and photos of the incident’s aftermath soon went viral on social media, showing staff cleaning the cake from the glass and the man being escorted out by security. Since 1956, the Mona Lisa has been targeted by vandals multiple times.
publicity (n.) 是「推廣、宣傳(活動)」的意思,用來描述透過某些舉動、做法來吸引他人關注某個人或某件事的行為,屬於偏中性、不帶有特定褒貶意味的詞。不過當後面加上stunt (n.) 這個原意為「(出現在電影中的)特技」的字時,就變成用來指稱帶了一點負面意味的「宣傳噱頭、作秀」等炒作行為了。
The conflict between the couple was just a publicity stunt to draw people’s attention.