羽球球后戴資穎成為戴博士啦!Taiwan’s Badminton Queen Tai Tzu-ying Earns PhD

Tai Tzu-ying, Taiwanese badminton player and Tokyo Olympic silver medalist, received a PhD from the Graduate Institute of Sports Training of The University of Taipei, becoming badminton scholar “Dr. Tai” at the age of 27.

Although Tai often has to travel overseas to compete, she was able to complete her doctoral program on schedule. In her graduation speech, Tai said that increasing knowledge helps her career in sports. Athletics are very demanding, but she never gave up her studies.

Tai’s advisor described her as very ambitious, responsible, self-disciplined, and good at managing her time. Over the past few years, many competitions have been canceled due to the pandemic, so Tai has used this time to actively complete her coursework.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:




輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

博士的英文是doctor,博士學位是doctor’s degree或是doctoral degree。


PhD就是Doctor of philosophy,從拉丁文的philosophiae doctor而來,意思就是「哲學博士學位」,也泛指所有的博士學位。 但你會納悶,為什麼所有博士都是哲學博士呢?

原來,哲學一詞源自古希臘文,意謂對智慧的熱愛(Love of wisdom)。所謂哲學博士,是指獲得學位者對自己知識範疇的理論、內容及發展等都有相當的認識喔!


  • medalist (n.) 獎牌得主
  • scholar (n.) 學者
  • demanding (adj) 要求很高的、嚴厲的
  • advisor (n.) 指導教授
  • self-disciplined (adj) 自律的