莫迪的叢林覓食之旅 | 睡前故事


A long winterended,and the temperature warmed up.Animals living in the forest stopped their hibernation and left their dens to look for food. Modi’s mother instructed him to search for food in the forest. Then, Modi entered the deep forest alone and embarked on his journey for food.

漫長的冬季過去了,天氣慢慢變得暖和起來了。 森林裡的各種小動物們都不再冬眠,紛紛離開各自的巢穴外出覓食。 莫迪也在媽媽的囑咐下外出找吃的。 於是,他一個人踏入森林深處開始覓食之旅。

In the vicinity of his residence, there was a river. Little monkey Modi found a peach tree covered in fresh peaches over there. Modi was so happy, “These peaches are big and round, my mother and I can have a good meal tonight!” he exclaimed. After that, the little monkey swiftly climbed the tree and picked some big peaches.

在他家旁邊,有一條小河,在那裡,小猴子發現一棵長滿桃子的大樹。 莫迪很開興,大聲地說:「這些桃子又大又圓,今晚我和媽媽可以好好地吃上一頓了」。 接著,小猴子飛快的爬上樹去,摘了幾個很大的桃子。

The little monkey staggered, losing his balance, while he held some big peaches with both arms.


Not far away from the tree, he saw a cornfield. Suddenly, he dropped the big peaches from his hands. He happily ran into the cornfield, “This corn is delicious and sweet, my mother and I can have a good meal tonight!” he exclaimed. After that, he promptly collected some corncobs, plodding under their weight.

走了沒多遠,他又看見一片玉米地。 小猴子頓時扔掉了手中的大桃子。 小猴子開心地跑進玉米地中,高興地說:「這些玉米又香又甜,今晚我和媽媽可以好好地吃上一頓了」。 接著,小猴子飛快地掰了幾個玉米,抱著它們艱難地走著。

It was getting dark. The corncobs in his hands were getting heavier and heavier. When he was walking back to the river where he started his journey, the little monkey was so tired. Carelessly, he stumbled. Then, the corncobs in his hands fell into the river and floated away. Modi watched, but he could not do anything. Then, he went home with nothing.

天色漸漸地黑了。 手裡的玉米棒越來越重,走到出發的河邊,小猴子很累了,一不小心,在河旁邊跌倒了。 於是,手裡的玉米棒都掉進了河裡,被河水沖走了。 小猴子看著這一幕,什麼都做不了,只好空手回家去了。

Back home, Modi described what happened that day to his mother. His mother patiently listened to Modi’s description. ” If you can stick to your original thought, bringing some peaches home for supper instead of always changing your ideas, you would not have ended up with nothing, right?” mother said considerately.

回答家裡,他對媽媽講述了所有發生的事情。 媽媽耐心地聽完莫迪的敘述,和藹地對他說:「如果你能夠堅持最初的想法,帶回來一些桃子做晚餐而不是總是改變自己的想法,就不會忙碌了一天而什麼都得不到,對嗎?」。

Modi thought for a while, and nodded. He lay in his mother’s arms and looked forward to searching for food tomorrow. After a while, he fell asleep.

莫迪想了想,點點頭,躺在媽媽得懷裡,期待著明天出發去找吃的。 慢慢地進入夢鄉。

Good night and sweet dreams!



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