

In the global consumer market, Black Friday and Double 12 have become unmissable shopping festivals. They reflect distinct cultural shopping habits and reveal how businesses utilize psychology to influence consumer behavior. This article explores their origins, analyzes key marketing strategies, and compares Eastern and Western shopping cultures, as well as their impact on the global economy.

The Origins of Global Shopping Peaks


1. 黑色星期五的起源
The Origin of Black Friday
黑色星期五(Black Friday)起源於美國感恩節後的星期五,最早與費城的交通擁堵相關,後來因為商家藉此大促銷獲利,演變為零售業「轉虧為盈」的標誌性時刻。這一天象徵著「從紅字(虧損)到黑字(盈利)」的轉變。
Black Friday originated in the United States on the Friday following Thanksgiving. Initially linked to traffic congestion in Philadelphia, it evolved into a hallmark of retail profitability as businesses took advantage of the day to boost sales. It symbolizes the shift “from red ink (loss) to black ink (profit).”

2. 雙十二的文化背景
The Cultural Background of Double 12
Double 12 (12.12) originated in China as an online shopping festival, initially an extension of Double 11 (Singles’ Day). It later evolved into a day emphasizing discounts on everyday products. With e-commerce platforms driving its popularity, Double 12 has become a key shopping event in East Asia and gradually gained international attention.

3. 全球化與文化融合
Globalization and Cultural Integration
As Black Friday spreads worldwide and Double 12 gains global traction, these shopping festivals have become phenomenal events in retail, reflecting cultural integration and mutual influence of business models.

The Psychology of Marketing: The Allure of Scarcity and Discounts


1. 稀缺性與搶購效應
Scarcity and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Retailers often create a sense of scarcity through “limited supply” or “countdown timers,” triggering consumers’ fear of missing out (FOMO). For instance, e-commerce platforms use tags like “Only 3 left” or “Flash Sale,” compelling consumers to act immediately to avoid losing the opportunity.

2. 折扣心理的運用
Utilizing Discount Psychology

  • 對比效應(Contrast Effect):商家以「原價 vs 折扣價」的形式呈現,讓消費者感覺占了便宜。
  • Contrast Effect: Presenting “original price vs. discounted price” makes consumers feel they are getting a bargain.
  • 假性折扣(Pseudo Discounts):提前抬高原價再打折,或設計優惠組合,增加消費的滿足感。
  • Pseudo Discounts: Inflating the original price before discounting or designing bundle deals enhances consumer satisfaction.

3. 社交證明與從眾效應
Social Proof and the Herd Effect
Tags like “Best Sellers” and “Highly Rated” leverage social proof, convincing consumers that purchasing these items is a “safe” and “popular” choice. On Double 12, real-time data displayed by e-commerce platforms further amplifies the herd effect.

The Differences Between Eastern and Western Shopping Cultures


1. 消費目的:功能性 vs 儀式性
Purpose of Consumption: Functional vs. Ritualistic

  • 西方文化(黑色星期五):消費更多圍繞假日禮物,強調功能性與年末儲備。
  • Western Culture (Black Friday): Consumption focuses more on holiday gifts, emphasizing functionality and year-end stockpiling.
  • 東方文化(雙十二):重視即時優惠,並藉由節日營造購物儀式感,例如「尾牙福利」或迎新年備貨。
  • Eastern Culture (Double 12): Highlights immediate discounts and fosters a ritualistic sense of shopping, such as preparing for year-end rewards or the Lunar New Year.

2. 渠道偏好:線下 vs 線上
Channel Preferences: Offline vs. Online

  • 黑色星期五起初以實體商店為主,近年來線上購物逐漸興起,但仍保留了「線下排隊搶購」的傳統。
  • Black Friday initially centered around physical stores. While online shopping has grown, the tradition of “in-store queuing” remains.
  • 雙十二自始即依賴於線上電商,物流體系與行銷活動環環相扣,擴展了消費場景。
  • Double 12 relies entirely on e-commerce, with logistics and marketing closely integrated to expand shopping scenarios.

3. 對全球經濟的影響
Impact on the Global Economy

  • 黑色星期五:作為西方零售業的年度大戲,對假日季經濟至關重要,也成為全球出口商品(如中國製造)需求激增的驅動力。
  • Black Friday: As the flagship event of Western retail, it is critical to the holiday economy and drives demand for globally exported goods, such as those “Made in China.”
  • 雙十二:不僅刺激本地市場,還通過跨境電商推動亞洲及國際間的商貿合作,助力新興市場的數位經濟發展。
  • Double 12: Stimulates local markets and promotes cross-border e-commerce, fostering trade cooperation in Asia and internationally, contributing to the digital economy in emerging markets.

Conclusion: The Future of Shopping Festivals


As technology advances and consumer habits evolve, shopping festivals are transitioning from regional celebrations to global phenomena. In the future, personalized recommendations, big data analytics, and immersive shopping experiences (e.g., metaverse shopping) will enhance these festivals. Whether Black Friday or Double 12, the key for businesses lies in leveraging psychological tactics to attract consumers and create more opportunities.



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