領取逐 字稿 及學習單
一、旅行生病的常見情況 Common Health Issues While Traveling
旅行中,環境變化、時差、飲食習慣的不同可能導致免疫力下降,增加生病的風險。特別是在流感季節或疫情期間,以下是常見的健康問題: Changes in environment, time zone differences, and diet may weaken immunity, increasing the risk of illness while traveling. Below are common health issues, especially during flu season or a pandemic:
1. 流感(Influenza) / Flu
流感病毒傳播迅速,特別是在冬季和春季旅遊時,感染風險較高。 Flu spreads rapidly, especially during winter and spring travel.
症狀 Symptoms : 高燒、肌肉痠痛、疲倦、咳嗽、喉嚨痛 (High fever, muscle aches, fatigue, cough, sore throat)
預防方法 Prevention : 接種疫苗、佩戴口罩、避免接觸病患 (Get vaccinated, wear a mask, avoid sick individuals)
2. 水土不服(Traveler’s Diarrhea)
飲食和水質的改變可能導致腸胃不適。 Changes in diet and water quality can cause digestive issues.
症狀 Symptoms : 腹瀉、腸胃痙攣、脹氣、食慾不振 (Diarrhea, stomach cramps, bloating, loss of appetite)
預防方法 Prevention : 喝瓶裝水、避免生冷食物、攜帶腸胃藥 (Drink bottled water, avoid raw/cold foods, carry digestive medicine)
3. 食物中毒(Food Poisoning)
嘗試當地美食時,可能因食品中含有細菌或病毒而導致食物中毒。 Eating contaminated food may cause food poisoning.
症狀 Symptoms : 噁心、嘔吐、腹痛、發燒、腹瀉 (Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fever, diarrhea)
預防方法 Prevention : 選擇信譽良好的餐廳,確保食物煮熟後再食用 (Choose reputable restaurants, ensure food is fully cooked)
4. 過敏反應(Allergic Reactions)
接觸新的環境或食物可能引發過敏。 New environments or unfamiliar foods may trigger allergies.
症狀 Symptoms : 皮膚紅腫、癢、打噴嚏、流鼻水,嚴重時可能休克 (Skin rash, itching, sneezing, runny nose; in severe cases, anaphylaxis)
預防方法 Prevention : 攜帶抗過敏藥,避免接觸過敏源 (Carry antihistamines, avoid allergens)
5. 呼吸道感染與 COVID-19(Respiratory Infections & COVID-19)
長時間待在人多的密閉空間,可能引發感冒或更嚴重的病毒感染。 Spending long hours in crowded, enclosed spaces can increase the risk of infections.
症狀 Symptoms : 喉嚨痛、咳嗽、鼻塞、發燒、呼吸困難 (Sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, fever, difficulty breathing)
預防方法 Prevention : 佩戴口罩、保持社交距離、勤洗手 (Wear a mask, maintain social distance, wash hands frequently)
二、流感併發症的風險與防治 Flu Complications & Prevention
流感可能導致嚴重的併發症,特別是對於兒童、老年人或免疫力較弱的人群。 Flu may lead to severe complications, especially for children, the elderly, or those with weak immunity.
肺炎( Pneumonia ) : 咳嗽加重、呼吸困難、胸痛 (Severe cough, difficulty breathing, chest pain)
支氣管炎( Bronchitis ) : 長時間咳嗽、痰多、氣喘 (Persistent cough, excessive mucus, wheezing)
耳部感染( Ear Infection ) : 耳痛、耳鳴、聽力減退 (Ear pain, ringing in ears, hearing loss)
心臟併發症( Cardiac Complications ) : 罕見但可能導致心肌炎 (Rare, but may lead to myocarditis)
預防與應對方法 Prevention & Treatment
接種流感疫苗 Get vaccinated
服用抗病毒藥物 Take antiviral medication (Tamiflu)
保持充足休息和水分補充 Rest & stay hydrated
及時就醫 Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen
三、如何用英語描述症狀? How to Describe Symptoms in English
I have a fever. (我發燒。)
I have a headache. (我頭痛。)
I feel nauseous. (我感到噁心。)
I have diarrhea. (我拉肚子。)
I have a sore throat. (我喉嚨痛。)
四、各國醫療系統簡易比較(美國、歐洲、亞洲) Healthcare System Comparison (USA, Europe, Asia)
美國 USA
醫療費昂貴 Healthcare is expensive
需預約醫生 Appointment-based system
大多數藥品需處方 Most medications require a prescription
歐洲 Europe
部分國家提供免費或低價醫療 Some countries offer free or low-cost healthcare
可直接購買部分藥品 Some medications available without prescription
急診可撥打 112 Emergency number: 112
亞洲 Asia
日本有國際診所 Japan has international clinics
台灣、韓國醫療發達 Taiwan and South Korea have advanced healthcare systems
中國、泰國等建議選擇國際醫院 In China and Thailand, private international hospitals are recommended
五、旅行必備醫療用品 & 緊急聯絡資訊
5. Essential Medical Supplies & Emergency Contacts
必備醫療用品 Essential Medical Supplies 退燒藥 Fever reducers (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) 止痛藥 Pain relievers (Aspirin) 感冒藥 Cold medicine 止瀉藥 Anti-diarrheal medication 過敏藥 Antihistamines 口罩 Masks
緊急電話 Emergency Numbers 美國 USA : 911歐洲 Europe : 112日本 Japan : 119(急救 Emergency)、110(警察 Police)台灣 Taiwan : 119韓國 South Korea : 1339(醫療諮詢 Medical Advice)、119(急救 Emergency)中國 China : 120(急救 Emergency)、110(警察 Police)
準備充分,即使生病也能安心旅行! Stay prepared and travel safely!