

1.  歡迎您來參觀訪問台北市,很開心能與您會晤交流
Welcome to Taipei! It’s great to have you here!

2. 我們曾去過您的國家,覺得貴國是個很美麗且氣候好的地方
We’ve been to your country before. It’s a lovely place with a pleasant climate.

3. 貴國的交通建設、城市美化、節能環保都是我們需要學習效法的地方
There are a lot of things we still have to learn from your country, such as traffic planning, city aesthetics, energy conservation and environmental protection.

4. 台北為美食之都,像是夜市、特色小吃,有時間我可以帶您一起去體驗
Taipei is a city of delicious food including food from night markets and some special snacks. You must join us if you have time.

5. 台北101為世界高樓之一,也是知名地標,有空您一定要上去看看
Taipei 101 is the world’s tallest building and a well-known landmark. You should check it out in your free time.

6. 希望我們能締結姐妹市,結合雙城市的優點、一同攜手合作減碳城市目標發展
We hope that through cooperation with our sister city, we can work together for the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions.

7. 台北是個熱情的城市,我可以教您一句很重要的中文,「我愛台北」,非常實用喔!
Taipei is a lively city. I can teach you an important Chinese phrase: “I love Taipei”. It’s very useful.

8. 您對於台北最深刻的印象是什麼呢?
What is the most impressive thing about Taipei?

9. 亞洲和歐洲的文化十分不同,像是飲食、文化、風俗等等,所以我們才要相互交流學習
Asia is very different from Europe in terms of cuisine, culture, customs, etc. That’s why we should exchange ideas and learn from each other.

10. 將來如果有訪問貴國的機會,期待您的熱情招待
If I get the chance to visit your country one day, I’ll look forward to your warm reception.




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