上班族對於「請假」這件事應該不陌生,可能都有請過病假或是事假的經驗。以往臨時請假得致電到公司給主管,但隨著社交軟體發達,台灣人用LINE請假的比例也隨之提高了!有趣的是天氣冷或是週一,請假的人數就會高於平日。最近臉書的創辦人Mark Zuckerberg最近喜獲愛女,就宣佈將請兩個月的陪產假!
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Take Two Months Paternity Leave.
上文中出現了Paternity Leave(陪產假),那麼其他的假期英文該怎麼說呢?想要用英文請假,該怎麼寫呢?以下整理出幾個常用請假英文,快來看看吧!
Dear XXX, (英文名字通常都直呼first name即可)
I would like to request nine days off for personal leave. I would like to attend my daughter’s graduation in San Francisco, and my family wants me to take some time off work. I would like to leave work on May 1 and return on May 10, if possible.
Even though I won’t be in the office during that time, I plan to stay in touch via email.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kind regards,
David Lin
He took sick leave today.
She took one month’s leave to take a vacation in Europe.
May I take personal leave tomorrow ?
Linda is on maternity leave, and David is her substitute.