Dora 捨不得將她的乳牙拔掉,有一天她竟然發現牙齒在哭 ……
Dora, the chubby baby panda wasn’t very happy.
Because her Milk Tooth is falling out, but she did not want to lose it.
One night, Dore heard a strange sound coming from her mouth. Dora ran to look in the mirror. Her wiggly tooth was crying!
一天晚上,Dora聽到口中傳出奇怪的聲音。Dora 跑向镜子,發現她的牙齒竟然在哭泣!
Dora was so shocked she nearly forgot to breathe for a few seconds.
“Can you tell me why you are crying?” Dora asked.
The tooth said, “Didn’t you know, that if you don’t pull me out in time and put me under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy, I will be lost forever?”
“Lost forever?” asked the confused Dora.
“Yes, you see when the Tooth Fairy finds the Milk Tooth, she takes it to the Milky Land. All the milk teeth collected from children are brought there. All the teeth then jump into it, splash around and just have fun. “
“Wow! I didn’t know that,” said Dora, feeling very excited now.
「哇!我都不知道這些耶!」 Dora 興奮的說。
“But there is a problem now,” her tooth said sadly.
So what will happen to Dora and her tooth? I guess you’ll find out next time. Good night.
究竟 Dora 牙齒會發生什麼事呢?下一次告訴你哦!
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