
LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 13: Director Bong Joon-ho attends the “Mickey 17” World Premiere at Cineworld Leicester Square on February 13, 2025 in London, England. (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for Warner Bros. Pictures)



當奉俊昊宣布他的新科幻電影 Mickey 17 時,影迷們對這位曾執導《寄生上流》的奧斯卡導演充滿期待。他這次帶來了一個更具哲學深度的故事,探討「人類列印」與個體存在的意義。這部電影改編自 Edward Ashton 的小說 Mickey 7,由羅伯派汀森主演,講述一名可以被無限複製的男子,在生與死之間反覆輪迴的故事。

When Bong Joon-ho announced his new sci-fi film Mickey 17, fans were eager to see what the Oscar-winning director of Parasite would bring to the screen this time. This time, he presents a concept with even deeper philosophical implications, exploring human printing and the meaning of individual existence. The film is based on Edward Ashton’s novel Mickey 7 and stars Robert Pattinson as a man who can be infinitely duplicated, trapped in an endless cycle of life and death.

Human Printing: When Life Becomes a Disposable Tool


At the core of the film is the concept of human printing, a technology that allows human bodies to be infinitely duplicated to carry out high-risk tasks. Every time a Mickey dies, a new Mickey is printed, continuing life with the memories of the previous version. This raises a fundamental question, if our lives can be infinitely reset, what is the significance of individuality? Do memories, experiences, and emotions still hold value?

Robert Pattinson’s New Challenge: An Ordinary Man in an Extraordinary Situation


Bong Joon-ho did not cast a traditional hero for the lead role but instead chose Robert Pattinson to play an ordinary man, Mickey Barnes. Mickey is not the typical sci-fi protagonist, he is a lower-class individual, forced into an inescapable cycle of fate.

奉俊昊表示,他之所以選擇派汀森,是因為這位演員在 Good TimeThe Lighthouse 等作品中展現了極具層次感的演技。他能夠詮釋心理矛盾的角色,並將「被困在命運機器中的普通人」演繹得淋漓盡致。

Bong explained that he chose Pattinson because the actor has demonstrated incredible depth in films like Good Time and The Lighthouse. He has the ability to portray psychologically conflicted characters and embody an ordinary man trapped in a machine of fate with remarkable realism.

Bong Joon-ho’s Cinematic Aesthetic: A Balance Between Precision and Improvisation


Bong Joon-ho is known for his meticulous storyboarding, ensuring that every scene is visually optimized. However, despite his reputation for precise planning, he allows his actors considerable creative freedom. He encourages them to explore their roles within the established framework, making performances feel more authentic.


This structured yet improvisational directing style makes his films both polished and vibrant, allowing audiences to become fully immersed in the emotions of the characters and appreciate every subtle nuance of the performances.

科技 vs. 人性:米奇17號拋出的哲學命
Technology vs. Humanity: The Philosophical Questions of Mickey 17

除了精彩的視覺效果與故事敘事外,Mickey 17 也延續了奉俊昊一貫的社會隱喻與哲學探討。本片並非單純的科幻冒險,而是提出了深刻的問題,如果我們的生命可以被無限複製,那麼個人的價值是否仍然存在。如果我們的死亡毫無意義,那麼我們的存在是否也變得無足輕重。

Beyond its stunning visuals and storytelling, Mickey 17 continues Bong Joon-ho’s tradition of social commentary and philosophical inquiry. The film is not just a sci-fi adventure, it raises profound questions, if our lives can be infinitely duplicated, does individuality still have value? If our deaths become meaningless, does our existence lose significance?

總結:不只是科幻,更是對人性的終極提問Conclusion: More Than Sci-Fi, A Profound Question on Humanity

米奇17號 不只是另一部科幻動作片,而是一部關於身份認同與人類本質的深刻探索。奉俊昊透過這部電影,將我們帶入一個未來世界,讓我們思考當生命不再獨一無二,人類是否仍擁有靈魂。這樣的故事不僅娛樂性十足,更讓觀眾在觀影結束後,仍然反思自身存在的價值。

Mickey 17 is more than just another sci-fi action film, it is a deep exploration of identity and human nature. Bong Joon-ho uses this film to transport us into a future world where life is no longer unique, challenging us to question whether humanity still possesses a soul. This story is not only highly entertaining but also leaves audiences pondering the value of existence long after the credits roll.

What do you think about the concept of human printing? If life can be infinitely duplicated, do humans still have individuality? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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