一、年菜的多樣與意涵I. The Diversity and Symbolism of New Year’s Dishes春節期間,家人團聚,共享象徵吉祥與幸福的年菜是台灣過年的重頭戲。每道菜都有特別的意涵,寄託對新年的美好期望。During the Lunar New Year, families gather to enjoy New Year’s dishes, which symbolize good fortune and happiness. Each dish carries a special meaning tied to prosperity, health, or longevity.代表性年菜 (Signature New Year’s Dishes):魚 (Fish): 魚象徵年年有餘,表示每年都能有剩餘和富足。Fish symbolizes abundance. A common phrase is “May you have surplus year after year.”例句 Example:這道清蒸魚代表年年有餘。The steamed fish o