Os resultados da pesquisa para a tag '多益': 25 itens encontrados.
在「台灣大型企業人才國際化及外語職能管理調查」報告中,針對台灣前5000企業近400家大型企業進行訪談,其中98.5%的企業重視發展國際化人才團隊,而英語溝通能力是國際化人才的首要條件,更有超過半數的企業要求基層員工具備基礎英語力。求職網站104人力銀行也注意到,有16%的企業直接指名求職者附上多益成績,而高達60%的企業也將多益成績作為招募人才的語言標準。 多益衝刺 點我 立即呼叫顧問【金色多益】喚醒你的鈔能力 但你知道2018年改版的新制多益跟舊版有什麼不同嗎?想拿金色證書,千萬別錯過本文整理的多益報名辦法、成績計算方式及應考準備。2024多益報名懶人包|完整場次及報考資訊整理以下為你整理多益報名日期、考區、測驗時間及注意事項,幫助你做好多益考
我們都知道英文能力對工作而言,非常重要。不論是求職、面試,或升遷、加薪,乃至於出差、外派,最基本也最重要的條件,就是語言能力。但衡量語言能力的標準,不只是質化的「感覺」,還需要量化的數字,而目前企業最看重的,就是多益測驗(TOEIC)。 104人力銀行在2023年三月發布最新「臺灣中大型企業及求職者外語職能管理調查報告」,主要調查對象是臺灣地區且員工人數達100人(含)以上的企業。從報告中得知,英語力在中大型企業已經成為人才任用、晉升、調薪、輪調與海外派任時的重要參考指標。對於求職者而言,具備英語能力,會是企業優先邀請面試、決定是否任用的關鍵因素之一,在獲得企業錄取後,其任用的薪資也較具競爭力。本次調查報告發現,有58.7%
多益(TOEIC)是一項廣泛接受的英語語言測試,用於評估非英語為母語的人士在商業與工作環境中的英語能力。它主要測試受試者的聽力和閱讀能力,幫助企業和機構評估個人的英語溝通能力。以下是多益考試的結構、評分方式以及其他重要資訊。1. 考試結構多益考試包括兩個主要部分:聽力測驗和閱讀測驗。聽力測驗主要考察受試者對於商業情境下的日常對話和問答的理解能力。閱讀測驗則測試受試者對於商業相關文章的理解能力。兩部分測試均通過選擇題的形式進行。2. 評分方式多益考試的分數範圍為10-990分,分為聽力和閱讀兩部分分數。其中,聽力部分最高495分,閱讀部分最高495分。評分標準通過對答題正確性的評估進行計算。考生可以根據總分來了解自己在商業與工作環境中的英語
英文檢定是衡量英文能力的具體指標,除了是學校畢業門檻、求職加分條件,對於想要出國交換或留遊學的人來說,更是必備證照。常見的英語檢定有多益TOEIC、全民英檢GEPT、托福TOEFL和雅思IELTS,究竟該考哪個呢?本文將為你比較它們的差別,幫助你選擇合適的英文檢定考試。常見英文檢定介紹:多益/托福/雅思/全民英檢多益 TOEIC多益(TOEIC)是針對非英文母語人士所設計的英語能力測驗,題目多著重在職場環境對話及書信溝通,藉此了解受測者在國際職場是否具備足夠的英文能力,也成為許多企業篩選人才英語能力的指標,可說是目前最廣泛被接受的英語檢定。多益考試的閱讀、聽力測驗單科滿分皆為495分,相加總分為990分,會根據你的總得分區分為5個等級,頒發不同顏色
沒自信,覺得自己沒學習英文的天賦? 其實你只是因為用錯誤的觀念學習。「完蛋了!我多益校園考只有380分,這樣下去真的能畢業嗎?我該不會要因為英文延畢吧!拜託請大家教教我,該怎麼讀英文才能衝過門檻?」已經大學四年級的Adam收到多益英文成績,絕望地上網求救。「每一家喜歡的公司點開徵才條件,不是要求英文要中等或精通,就是直接開出多益分數門檻,但我英文真的很爛!怎麼辦?難道要一輩子當打工族了嗎?」靠打工、接外送兩年多的阿誠想要謀取一份穩定的正職工作,沒想到不僅大企業,許多中小企業也很重視英文溝通能力,讓學生時多益只考400分的他頓感前途無亮。別在意!分數只是檢驗當下能力的工具
The Taiwan Tour Bus Association and the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) have collaborated to launch the Train-Bus Passport, priced at NT$790, including two vouchers for Taiwan Tour Bus trips and two discount vouchers for train ticket purchases. Any length of railway trip on any regularly-operating trains can be purchased with the two 25% train discount vouchers. As for bus trips, 26 affiliated travel agencies jointly organized more than ninety itineraries around the country, covering six di
擁有好的英文程度等級,是每位職場工作者的夢想你考過多益嗎?考幾分呢?台灣多益總代理忠欣公司公佈2020年國人多益成績為566分,其中聽力平均成績為309分、閱讀平均成績257分(台灣多益官網上最新數據),這一年也是全球進入新冠疫情的第一年,連帶也影響了多益的報名與應考,而在新冠疫情之前的數據如下:2019年,報考 34.97萬人、應考32.7萬,平均564分(聽力308、閱讀256)2018年,報考 40.67萬人、應考38.7萬,平均552分(聽力304、閱讀248)2017年,報考 42.79萬人,應考39.8萬,平均545分(聽力301、閱讀244)2016年,報考 39.34萬人,應考36.7萬,平均537分(聽力296、閱讀241)從連續五年的數據發現,2017年開始雖然多益報考人數逐年下降,但是台灣人的多益平均成績年年提升,而且聽力也優於
A Taiwanese couple opened a bakery in Paris, finding their feet in the competitive market of bread and pastries. Wang Chih-ya and Chuang Po-hsuan, the bakery’s owners, named the store “Petite Ile,” or “little island,” a reference to their homeland. The couple has incorporated dried fruits from Taiwan into French bread, including mangos, lychees, and longan, which have impressed their customers. At first, they were faced with the challenge of convincing locals their products are unique and deserv
Incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron has won France’s presidential election. He took 58.5% of the vote, making him the first French leader in 20 years to be reelected. During his victory speech, Macron vowed to respond “efficiently” to the “anger and disagreement” of voters who chose the far right. His opponent, far-right candidate Marine Le Pen, took 41.46% of the vote. Some said that her performance is the latest indication that more French people are turning to extremist politicians to
Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers in its first quarter. This marks the first time Netflix has lost subscribers during a quarter in 10 years. Netflix attributed its subscriber loss to a number of factors, including password sharing among households and increased competition from other emerging streaming services. Some macroeconomic factors include increased inflation and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which prompted Netflix to shut down its service in Russia.To compete with traditional cable and br
Ever since the pandemic hit two years ago, costumed characters have kept their distance from visitors. They have not been allowed to give hugs, sign autographs, or interact up close with fans. Now, the hugs are back as the parks reintroduce traditional character greetings. After the parks reopened in summer 2020, costumed characters could only be seen waving from a distance in the parks or in parades and have their photos taken from a distance. With the return of character hugs, operations have
During the 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung, a tiger tail light became an online sensation. It was sold as a limited design to celebrate the lantern festival. The item is a tube-shaped balloon that is worn on one’s waist, dangling at the back, resembling a tiger tail due to its yellow color with black stripes. The tail can twinkle with an LED light and will wiggle as users walk. When the item was launched online, it attracted so much attention that the price rose from NT$299 to NT$750.
Several landmarks around the world are being illuminated in blue and yellow, the colors of the Ukrainian flag, as a show of solidarity for the people of Ukraine. These landmarks include the Empire State Building in New York, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the London Eye in London, the Colosseum in Rome and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The blue and yellow colors can also be seen on Taiwan’s iconic Taipei 101 skyscraper, whose 59th and 60th floor were lit up. The company said it was joining the eff
Another TikTok video has gone viral. A little boy was upset and wailing on a six-hour flight from Dubai to Albania a few weeks ago. His father had been trying to calm him down without any success. Instead of complaining, a passenger began to distract the boy. Then a small group of people started to sing the famous children’s song Baby Shark to cheer him up. More and more passengers joined in, singing and clapping. The boy finally stopped crying and enjoyed the impromptu singalong. Passenger Pari