Os resultados da pesquisa para a tag '職場軟技能': 27 itens encontrados.
矽谷工作忙碌,自助洗衣等待時間不虛度,用手機上英文課。 出國工作是我從小的夢想,10年前進入外商公司擔任資深工程師後,希望透過內調的方式赴海外工作。雖然我的英文不錯,但對自己的口說不是很有自信,一直沒鼓起勇氣去申請。去年初,又看見適合的職位,工作地點在美國矽谷總公司。這一次,我決定好好把握機會。然而,在面試前,必須要增加英文語感,決定加入TutorABC線上英文。努力上課3個月後,我就成功通過4位外籍主管口試,得到了這份夢幻以求的工作機會。2022年3月得以出發赴美。我很享受在這裡的工作和生活。我認為英文並不難,難的是自己有沒有開口的勇氣。我很開心,自己做到了,實現了夢想。線上英文對話 教學實用有效
超時工作的狀況層出不窮,在認真工作之餘,還是要維護好自身該有的權益。51勞動節連假剛過,在這個屬於勞工的日子,台鐵員工決定發動「不加班運動」,抗議「台鐵公司化草案」倉促送審,並指出五一不加班不是罷工,而是合法休假,爭取勞工應有的權益。其實這不是台鐵第一次罷工。在國外,也經常有企業員工透過罷工表達自己的訴求。然而台灣超高工時卻低薪資的環境,勞工受到剝削的情況恐怕更嚴重。根據勞動部最新,台灣2020年年總工時為2021小時,排名世界第4,甚至高於韓國(1908小時)與日本(1598小時),而這已經比前一年少了6小時。這樣的環境之下,勞工過勞幾乎是不可迴避的議題。就讓 TutorABC 教你關於職場權益的相關單字,讓你用英文也能爭取權益、拒絕過勞。
Taiwan has seen a spike in domestic COVID-19 cases since March. Considering the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant, the CECC is simplifying its epidemiological investigation. It strongly urges people to download and install the Taiwan Social Distancing App on their mobile devices.The CDC first launched the app in May 2021. It uses Bluetooth technology to enhance the efficiency of tracing people potentially at risk. It will notify an app user who contacts a confirmed case also using th
過了30歲之後,每個選擇對未來都有極大影響!Jerry是一名31歲的上班族,工作數年後,目前的帳戶存款約有20萬元。最近因升上小主管加薪,每月扣除房租、生活費和孝親費,大約還有2萬元可動支,考量職涯成長,Jerry正在考慮拿一部分薪水來投資自己,報名線上英語或是其他網路課程;但同時也希望能兼顧投資理財跟娛樂消費,該如何分配預算,找出合適的解決方案,令他相當煩惱。先存錢,還是先投資自己? 每個月該存下多少錢?月薪10萬元、5萬元和3萬元的人,有小孩的人跟單身的人,因為收入、開銷項目差異極大,其實沒有固定的標準答案,但確實有一定的比例可依循。提出「拿鐵因子」理論的美國理財大師大衛.巴哈(David Bach),認為每個人的日常生活都可能有
Annunziata Murgia, a 90-year old Italian woman who missed out on formal education because of the Second World War, has returned to the classroom to study for her school diploma. She has become the oldest person ever in her class for the middle school diploma. “I like studying,” she said, “but when the war broke out, everything changed for me. I had to go and work, as my family struggled and I had to play my part.” Murgia’s teacher described her as a very passionate and engaged pupil. She also s
Scientists have discovered why we often raise our voices during video calls: as video quality deteriorates, we speak louder and alter our gestures in an attempt to compensate. Previous research had shown that when we cannot hear someone well because of noise, we speak louder, while the team’s recent work had shown that when a video call is not very clear, people make their gestures more noticeable. The results showed communication was an integrated system of visual and auditory signals that work
After the final exhibition closed in February in Tainan, the Kaohsiung City government is considering plans to have Hazy Humid Day, a work by Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara, put on permanent display in the city’s Museum of Fine Arts. Nara said he would be “delighted” if the painting could remain in Taiwan. While Nara suggested it join the collection at the Taichung-based National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Chen Chi-mai, Mayor of Kaohsiung, left a twitter reply in Japanese, in which he recommend
At the 2022 Grammy Awards, Taiwanese designers Li Jheng-han and Yu Wei won the Best Recording Package award with their design for the album Pakelang. Yeh Tzu-yin, who delivered an acceptance speech in English on behalf of Li and Yu at the award ceremony, said they were thrilled to take part in the Grammys and happy to help people learn more about Taiwan. The album’s cover has an abstract design depicting waves on a Taiwanese coastline, which was inspired by Falangao, an Amis village located by t
The Ukrainian government alleges that Russian soldiers are committing atrocities during Russia’s invasion of the country. After the Russian army withdrew from the city of Bucha, more and more disturbing photos have been released, showing plenty of civilian bodies abandoned in this area. These gruesome images have shocked people around the world. In early April, the UN General Assembly voted to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council for its violations and abuses of human rights. In the 193-
Taiwan and the United Kingdom have reached a reciprocal agreement on easing visa procedures for working holidays on both sides. Under the new rules, visitors on working holiday visas may apply to switch to work or student visas without having to leave and re-enter each other’s respective borders. Starting from March 10, Taiwanese youths in the UK under the Youth Mobility Scheme may apply to change their visa status before it expires. They are eligible to apply as skilled workers, health and car
Chinese TikToker Jenny Turtle holds the fastest 400-meter sprint record of 8.93 seconds in China. He previously claimed that Taiwan has no speed cars at all. Liao Chih-hsien, viewed as Taiwan’s godfather of racing and going by the moniker of Boss Liao, took offense at the claim and began to modify an Audi TTRS. Boss Liao collaborated with professional driver Kuo Kuo-hsin. On the morning of April 6, Kuo performed three acceleration runs in a straight line on Huangang North Road near Taichung Harb
Hollywood action movie star Bruce Willis has announced he will “step away” from his acting career in a statement signed by his family and co-released by his former wife Demi Moore and their daughter Rumer Willis on March 30. Willis was recently diagnosed with aphasia, which affected his cognitive awareness, speech, comprehension, and reading ability. In his 40-year career, the Hollywood veteran has appeared in more than 100 movies. Willis has won one Golden Globe Award and two Emmys. He has also
American actor Will Smith slapped presenter Chris Rock for joking about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, at the 94th Academy Awards. Rock took the stage to present the award for best documentary and cracked a joke about Pinkett-Smith’s baldness. Smith then rushed the stage and slapped Rock in the face. The move shocked the audience. Later in the evening, Smith won best actor for his role as Richard Williams in King Richard. The next day, Will Smith issued an apology to Chris Rock, the Academy, and